Monday, February 10, 2014


There are no extra people alive today. Every single one of us is here for a reason, a special purpose—a mission. Above all else, be significant. Make your life matter. Be of use. And be of service to as many people as possible. This is how each of us can shift from the realm of the ordinary into the heights of the extraordinary.

This is a quote from the book I just finished, The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. It was on the bookshelf here in the house and it has been my companion these past couple of weeks. It has taught me a lot of good life lessons that I will carry with me for a long time. I really loved it and would recommend it to anyone who is searching for some direction in life or simply a really good read.

I will start by sharing my wonderful adventure day with my friend Duke. Her and I got to explore Cape Town, which was nice because before that we had always been travelling in a large group. We took the train to Blue Garage, a market close by our favorite beach. We were proud that we managed to navigate the trip by ourselves, and we were pleasantly surprised to find a lot of great clothes, food and other vendors. Duke bought me a cupcake that I ate later on the beach…hands down best cupcake I have ever had. I really enjoy communal living because you get to know people more day by day. I am glad I got that day with Duke.

St. Michaels Church is starting to become my new Church home here. I have started to meet people at the 6pm Sunday mass, which attracts mostly young adults. It is nice to have something similar to SLU mass. I have been out of my comfort zone and trying a lot of new things, so the feeling I got when the mass started was amazing. It was relief and happiness and utter joy in my faith and in my choice to be Catholic. I love that no matter where you go, a Catholic mass is pretty much the same. I felt at peace. I felt at home. I even had a meeting with a couple of people on the Youth Ministry team, and we got to know each other better. They gave me some suggestions on how to get involved in campus ministry activities (I might be in a CLC!!). I will keep you posted on that.

Truth Coffee=best coffee. This place used to be a fabric company and now it is a unique café that makes you feel right when you enter. I wish all of my friends at home could sit down with me there and enjoy each other’s presence. Bliss.

A group of us went to a field nearby to play ultimate Frisbee and before we knew it, a national ultimate Frisbee player came down from his office building to join us. After a couple of hours of playing, we were all exhausted but it was a great time. Afterwards the man talked to us and gave us some tips on cool things to do in Cape Town. I love getting to know the local people here. They are very friendly and open to talking to us Americans.

I had lunch at school with my new friend Ashley, who is from Cape Town. She is actually majoring in psychology and theology like me, which is pretty darn awesome and that took me by surprise. Apparently theology is a rare major here because many schools do not offer it (another friend I made is looking into going to the United States for graduate school for theology). Anyways, we had a great time over our lunch break and she answered all of my questions about the proper way to say things/do things here (traffic lights are called “robots” here fyi). She is my first South African friend! I hope to hangout with her more.

I have been desperately searching for Christian/Catholic organization on campus, but it is hard to get involved at school because they do not have an office for this type of things or any kind of brochure like SLU would. I finally found a poster that looked promising, so I went to the meeting during lunchtime. What I found was jaw dropping and awesome. It was a Christian group that prays in tongues. Have you ever heard of that?? I sure have not. I walked in and everyone was talking to themselves really loudly and I did not know what was going on. Praying in tongues comes from the Bible, they explained to me, when it says the Holy Spirit came down and the people started talking in tongues. You simply pray to God and let the Holy Spirit work through you, but you are saying everything out loud. The cool thing is, no one can understand each other, because everyone is talking so loud. Then we got a partner and we asked them what they wanted us to pray over them, and then we held hands and prayed out loud for that person. It was a really unique experience. I love learning about different ways to pray. It opens my eyes to the different ways one can celebrate and worship God.  

My friend Kari and I went to the Company Gardens, which is a giant, beautiful garden that was created when the Dutch stopped in Cape Town many many years ago. Once you walk in it for a while and enjoy its beauty, you can go to the many museums that surround it. We went to the Slave Lodge, which was sad and made me think about another time period that I hadn’t thought about before in South Africa. I usually think about apartheid, but then learning about all of the slaves that were in Cape Town before that even occurred made me realize how much I still have to learn about the place I am at.

One of my dear friends that I have made here is Maira. We go on daily walk/jogs together and I really look forward to that part of my day. It is nice getting to know her a little better day by day. We also share a love for chocolate, so we have gone to a nearby café to get our chocolate fix at night.

My favorite day I have had so far occurred on my “me” day. As bad as it sounds to say that my favorite day has been the day I was by myself, it was truly magical. The group went on a wine tour, but I hung back to see what explorer Hannah could find in Cape Town. I started my day at Truth coffee, obviously, and did homework while I sipped my cappuccino that had a heart drawn in it. Then I walked up to the Book Lounge, a nearby bookstore. I did more homework there and I found myself talking to a lady about how I was majoring in theology and she shared with me how she has recently found the Church. People are just great and I learn something from every person I encounter. I have learned that every time you talk to someone, that is an opportunity to grow and learn something. Then I went to Company Gardens again and walked around to look at the flowers and trees once again. Get this…I went to the PLANETARIUM next. I was too excited. I reclined back in my chair and learned all about the constellations and it made me so happy because in case you didn’t know I really love stars. Then I went to the Isiko Museum, which basically has a lot of replicas of animals that are found in Africa. It was kind of creepy so I walked through it really quickly. There were giant whale skeletons, though, which were pretty cool! GUESS WHAT I DID AT NIGHT?? I went to the observatory close by our house and I got to listen to a professor from Italy talk about stars and then we got to look through a HUGE telescope and look at Jupiter. I could see the stripes on it!! Mind blowing. During this time, I also talked to two men who grew up here in Cape Town during apartheid. It was interesting hearing their perspective on it, especially since one man was white and one was not. Everyone here is very open about sharing their stories. My brain is like a sponge here, trying to soak up as much as I can. Basically this day rocked because I was able to be the most independent I have ever been in my whole life. I was able to choose. I was able to be. I was able to LIVE.

Every time I open my purse, I see my Mother Theresa coin that Liz gave me. Makes me smile. Also, whenever I see a message from Liz, my heart I think comes out of my chest because I am so excited. Everyone in my house knows who she is and I love that.

You might know that I like finding pennies on the ground because I believe they are pennies from God. Well, I found a penny today. JOY. And even more impressive since they do not use pennies here. DOUBLE JOY.

I am starting to find my favorite places here in Cape Town. We live in Observatory, which is just an area in Cape Town known for its young people and hip places. I am a frequenter now at the local bookstore and the few cafes that surround it. I love doing homework there and people watching. I can learn a lot from just looking at my surroundings.

We finally had family dinner last night! I got to do the opening prayer and I also included a haiku that I made up right before. Hehe. It was breakfast for dinner for this clan! Afterwards we did our highs and lows of our time thus far, as we all laid on the side of the house underneath the stars. It was a really special moment for all of us I think.

Almost done, I promise. This experience has been so transforming for me and has taught me so many things so I am just going to ramble off for a minute on some of those things. First, the lifestyle here is so different. It is not about go go go…it is about being in the moment and I think that is extremely important. Every moment here to me is a gift and I try to find joy in all things because I know it is there. Even when I am walking to the store, or sitting in the grass, or hanging up my clothes to dry, I seem to keep finding JOY. By being in the moment, I am able to appreciate the smaller things even more. And you know how much I love the small things. And another thing…my heart always feels so full here. Full with wonder, curiosity, and mostly God. You know that feeling you get when you are on a “God high?” Well, I am in a permanent state of that feeling right now. My heart is about to burst with how close I feel to God when I am here. I feel so alive here! I feel like I am learning more about myself. I am enjoying time alone more than I ever have before. I have no problem being by myself like I did before. I use it as a time for reflection and peace. I also am getting a better hold on the values that are instilled in me that I want to keep. I am understanding the importance of finding the good in everyone. I am learning to not judge others. I am learning that some things I do are not what everyone else is going to do, but that is okay because I am being myself. I am learning to love myself. I am learning to not be hard on myself. I am learning how much I enjoy learning new things. I am learning how to not be afraid. I am embracing being unsure. I am embracing spontaneity. I am learning to love life on a whole new level. I am saying “yes.” I am looking for God in all things. I am a sister and a daughter and a friend. I am scared. I am hopeful. I am a daughter of Christ. I am happy. I am me.

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