Tuesday, January 14, 2014


last night my mom and I were still wallowing about liz leaving for the philippines. the only cure was some popcorn and audrey hepburn.

in the middle of breakfast at tiffany's, we got a surprise...a skype call from Liz! she told us she arrived safely in japan and was waiting to board her plane for manila. liz looked so pretty & happy and it assured me that this whole separating thing is going to be okay :)

only four more days until i will be in the magical place of cape town that i have been dreaming about for so long. i took some time to reflect on what i know now so i can look back on it after my trip. this is what i came up with:

being a theology major rocks. 
i have found a best friend.
i want to be challenged in my faith.
i really like grilled cheese and tomato soup.
my favorite books are autobiographies.
i will never again take for granted the ability to run.
the campus ministry building is home.
it is okay to be alone sometimes.
i like learning at school.
i want to go on another silent retreat.
i am addicted to coffee (oopsie).
mornings are my favorite.
i aspire to be a hiker/outdoorsy. 
i like being a psychology research assistant.
i want to read every day.
i want to be a campus minister at a college.
i want to live in New York City.
i like to talk to God while i am driving.

i will finish with a quote from breakfast at tiffany's.

“let me make one thing clear. i am not now — nor have i ever been — named ‘fred.’”

just kidding. lets finish with a quote from the bible.

"i know, o Lord, that a man's life is not his own; 
it is not for man to direct his steps" (jeremiah 10:23) 

family photo: my mom, me & liz in Japan via skype


  1. Hi Hannah! Long time no see! I'm so excited to follow yours and Liz's journeys. It is so inspiring to see how you live out your faith and share it with others. I will be praying for you. Safe travels and have fun! :)

    1. Awhhh Carly so nice to hear from you! Thank you so much that means a lot. I hope me, you & liz can hangout this summer when we get back :) Have an awesome rest of junior year! XO
