Saturday, January 18, 2014


the time has come, folks.

i leave in almost two hours for south africa.

this morning I got up at 3 a.m. with my mom to go to the airport. i watched a couple chuckle at my mom for taking pictures of me going up the escalator.

that same chuckling couple sat net to me on the plane, and i learned that they were going on a trip to mexico. i also learned that the lady had motion sickness. i spent the majority of the plane ride to denver distracting this nice lady so she would not throw-up. i did a pretty good job if i do say so myself. 

while flying into washington D.C., i had a mini panic attack when I did not see any monuments, so i consulted my location on google maps to make sure I was not in washington state on accident. I was not. 

now i am sitting in one of my favorite places, starbucks, trying to relax and inhale the coffee beans. I really cannot wrap my mind around the fact that this trip is happening. i feel like my world is about to be turned upside down and i do not know how to react to that! am i nervous? unbelievably. am i excited? extremely. am i ready? yes.

my mom got my sister and i a night prayer book so that we can all say night prayers together while we are separated. even though it is not night time, i don't think the Big Man up there would mind if i used a quote from it right now. 

"make justice your sacrifice and trust in the Lord."

My view of Denver

1 comment:

  1. You're doing important work for the Big Man! Love hearing about your night prayer books. I'll be reading your posts. You're an amazing young woman. Be safe.
