Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Do you know how special you are?

I sure hope so.

Some of my days here have been lonely days.

You probably know the feeling.

On these lonely days, You might wonder where God is.

Take a closer look.

He is there.

In fact, He is right next to You.

And within You.

Because You, my friend, are special.

God sees you as a Best Friend.

And as His Child.

And when you are lonely, He is holding you.

Maybe You cannot feel it right away.

But do you see that pretty sunrise?

God is saying "good morning" to You.

Do you see that lady smiling at You?

That is God smiling at you.

Do you see the person helping someone cross the street?

That is God is trying to inspire you.

You are loved.

You are cared for.

You are special.

Do not forget it.

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