Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I will be entering my TWENTIES in less than an hour. And I decided I want to dedicate these next ten years to God. These past 19 years and 364 days have been filled with many times without God in my life. In fact, the majority of my days have not had God at the center. Hence my dedication to God during my twenties. I want to make a commitment to myself and to God that I will keep Him by my side. I have been struck by God’s love and I do not know how I could possibly live without it now that I have experienced its beauty. I want to be vulnerable and raw during my twenties so that I am being who God created me to be. The twenties are when all of the “big” events tend happen—graduating school, finding a job, getting married, having kids. No matter where I end up in ten years, I want to look back and say that I have let God guide me in all of my decisions. I know that God has a plan for me, and I am excited to discover what it is. I may have times where I stray away from God, but I pray I will be able to look back to this promise and remember how happy I am when God is in my life. Here is to being twenty! 

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