Tuesday, April 1, 2014


How about a million reasons? Gah I love Cape Town. Tracy Chapman's "Give Me One Reason" has been my latest go-to song. Who knew a girl sang this song? I did not. 


But now on to other matters.

Receiving love from so many people has made a great impact on me during this journey. The love of old friends, new friends and strangers. I stole borrowed a daily devotional book from the retreat I just returned from. One of the passages is about God's unfailing love for us. It says, "And even when our love for him wanes and grows cold, his love grows strong still. Nothing can ever stop it. Nothing." It includes a scripture verse, Ps 33:22, which says, "May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you."  God's love is overflowing, like the water that has been boiling too long.  The love I have felt from others is really God's love, working through them. Neat, huh?

My K-House family returned from their spring break trip, and it is great to have them back! The house was getting too quiet. I loved hearing about the safari and their videos from bungee jumping are hilarious. Although I missed out on some pretty radical things, I feel so much peace and grace in my decision not to go. That week was filled with so much love and friendship and I would not have wanted to give that up. 

One experience over break showed me how much I have grown in my faith. I went ballroom dancing again with my lovely friend Roxy, and my purse got stolen while I was busy doing the cha-cha (that is not an easy dance). I feel like if this happened a few months ago, it probably would have ruined my whole day. But honestly, all I could do in that moment was thank God that I was not hurt and that I was having a great night with my friend. It also helped that the moon was beautiful that night. Sure, the person may have taken my money, cellphone, iPhone, drivers license, school I.D., favorite headband,  and house keys, but they probably did not know that I have something infinitively greater than all of those things--an unfailing love for God. And that love is what is going to get me through anything (even my sad attempts at ballroom dancing). 

My friend from St. Mikes, Caryn, met up with me for cappuccinos. Cappuccinos with Caryn. Every time I talk with her, I feel like I learn something about myself and God. We share many of the same experiences and thoughts and it is great to have someone like her to lean on. She is a year older, so I feel like she is the wise older friend who is passing along her knowledge to me. She loves God very much and always wants to pass along that love to others. She is the friend I mentioned who always prays with me before we depart ways. HOW COOL, am I right? 

I had a Skype interview for the Campus Ministry internship at SLU for next fall. I was soooo excited to see all of the campus ministers. It is nuts not seeing them all of the time. They make SLU what it is. I am going to run up and hug all of them really tightly when I return. Say a prayer for all of those that applied for the internships! 

On my last day of break, I hiked Lion's Head (for the 4th or 5th time) with my friend Toju that lives down the street in the Northwestern (Chicago) house. I am really glad that happened, because it was such a happy time! I laughed a ton. Afterwards, we went to the Eastern Food Bazaar. One word--hummus. So much hummus. And it was so cheap and yummy and hummusy. Yes.

Lizzy and I turned 20! I went to Ashley's house after school on my birthday, and her mom made me a beautiful chocolate cake. They sang to me and let me make a wish and blow out the candles. It was the first time I could not think of a wish because I am so content. Since I told Ashley that Liz and I always eat chinese food on our birthday since it was our first food after baby food, she took me to a really nice chinese restaurant. We spent a lot of time talking about our faith, which was like WHOA so nice. We also played arcade games (I earned a horse keychain) and we went ice skating. I felt so loved even though I was many miles away from my family and friends. And speaking of my friends, getting all of their birthday wishes made me feel so lucky to have all of them!

I have to warn my SLU friends, my beautiful friend Emily just sent me in the mail a Cafe Ventana shirt, so I think my love for that place just increased, if that is possible. Now I might go there three times a day, rather than the usual two.

I went to Taize prayer at the Cathedral in town last week. It was a little different than SLU's Taize prayer, but it had the same effect. I felt refreshed and peaceful afterwards. I love connecting to the community through prayer like that. I walked the labyrinth afterwards, and decided I want a labyrinth at my house when I am older. Then I will let all of my guests go walk it so they can feel happy, because that is what labyrinths do. 

I have been spending a lot of times in coffee shops and bookstores journaling/reflecting/looking at people. I hope when I return back home, I can continue feeling this way. I feel calm and present, two things that were not really in my vocabulary before this trip. Life is not only fuller with God in the picture, but it is fuller when you can learn to be present. By choosing to be happy with what is in front of you and finding joy with what you have, moments mean so much more. One of my favorite things to do, which I am doing right now, is to sit in a coffee shop and pray for each person there. I like the idea of blessing a stranger's day, because he or she may really need it. 

St. Mike's is easily my favorite thing about Cape Town. I never thought I would find a Church like this, but low and behold, my heart has fallen for this amazing community. Going to Church on Sunday nights is the highlight of my week, as is going to Life Series on Tuesdays. I have learned so much from the past couple weeks of Life Series. The topics we have discussed our "Relationships" and "Sexuality." These are very prevalent topics in the Church that spark questions with young adults, so hearing people share their stories and their thoughts on them has helped me form my own beliefs. Hugging Chantal, hearing Gareth laugh, talking with Sebastian, meeting Chelsea, teasing Brendan, driving with Hayley, cooking with Amy, hanging out with Roxy, praying with Caryn…these are all moments that would not happen without St. Mikes. And these are the moments that are contributing to me becoming the Hannah I want to be and truly am <3

Let's pray for each other, eh?? Pray for me, because I might be getting a new service site that I go to once a week. Pray that I have the strength to take on this exciting, but surely difficult transition. Also, pray for my housemates, that they may find comfort in God's friendship. I will pray that whoever is reading this finds joy in the small things and lives each day for the precious gift it is. I also pray that you may find God in yourself and that you know how worthy you are of God's love. 

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