Friday, July 18, 2014


Sometimes I have moments of doubt where I ask myself what if God is not even real? But these thoughts are pushed aside when I think back to those times where God was obviously present in my life. During these past couple of weeks, I have felt God’s presence many times, almost more than usual. Perhaps this is because I have been keeping my eyes more open for Him. Since I have been a tad down and out since leaving Cape Town, I have been yearning even more for signs of God’s grace to keep me going. What a good friend He is—he has sent me many signs that He is with me.

It started last week with a passage in the Bible. Since finding out that my hip surgery was cancelled, I have been feeling very hopeless that the problem is going to be fixed. I came to the realization that we all have our crosses to bear, and that might is definitely not has bad as other people's crosses. Still, I kept having thoughts of anger. The other day when I was reading my daily Bible passage, it happened to be one about Jacob wrestling with God. In the passage, he hurts his hip socket. I was so shocked when I saw the word hip I had to reread the sentence to make sure I read it correctly. It was very comforting to know that someone in the Bible had the same problem that I did, and that God was there to witness it. It is amazing how a bible passage can really speak to a situation that you are in. It’s like it was written just for you.

The next occurrence of God’s presence was when I was on a walk with my dog. I take great joy in my daily walks. It is something I started to do in Cape Town, and have since continued. It is my time to be at peace, pray to God, and listen to worship songs. Anyways, finances have been on my mind lately. I have been worrying about how I am supposed to accomplish the things I want to do (things in the distance future, mind you). Sometimes the burden of finances weighs heavily on me, even though I am the one putting that stress upon myself. Well, I was walking Izzy and I all of a sudden found seven dollars lying on the ground. I am one to get excited about finding a penny on the ground, so to find seven dollars—that’s 700 pennies! Some may see it that I just got lucky and found someone’s bills that flew out of their jacket pocket. I, however, believe that God wanted me to know that I should not worry and that everything is in His control.

These two events that occurred (reading the Bible passage and finding seven dollars) may seem small, but to me it’s the small signs from God that propel more and more into a relationship with God. Those two graces from God put a smile on my face and prepared me for the amazing week to come.

I am proud to say that I have officially been “SHINED.” After many phone calls last summer and this summer with my friend Emily while she was working at camp, I finally got to see what all of the excitement was about. SHINE is a Catholic camp for high school students, which stands for Serving Him In the Needy and Elderly. The crew travels to a new city in the U.S. each week to host a truly unforgettable experience for people who are willing to be open to God’s love. SHINE was created and is directed by Dawn and Augie Leal. They bring three of their children with them—Jai Michael, Alyssa, and Jordan. I hope one day to have a family has compassionate and holy as them. I really enjoyed getting to know the Leal family and discovering what a life of ministry looks like.

I also enjoyed seeing my friend, Emily, in her SHINE element. Boy did she shine! Emily as well as the rest of the staff work extremely hard to make the camp the best it can be. They stay up until the wee hours of the morning and get up very early. They unload and load the vehicles with all of their equipment. They make delicious home-cooked meals (hello jambalaya). They get up on stage each night and are okay with looking like goofs. They assist with daily mass, adoration, reconciliation, and prayer time. And the best part is, they do it all with love. They truly act as servants of Christ, doing all things with extreme compassion in attempts to show others the face of God. I was honored to be at a camp that attempts one of the greatest challenges of all—getting others excited about Christ.

The staff has truly become a family and they let me be a part of it for a short amount of time. I got to assist with serving meals (I found my secret calling—drizzling cheese onto tacos), preparing for mass, shopping at Walmart, dancing on stage, singing the Divine Mercy Chaplet, unloading the vehicles, and trying to show God’s love whenever possible. Needless to say, this whole week has been filled with God’s presence and has included moment after moment of God shaking my shoulders to let me know that He is there.

Last night, though, a truly unforgettable experience occurred.  Thursday nights are when Adoration takes place during SHINE. They placed the most beautiful monstrous I have ever seen in the center of the room, surrounded by white candles. The next hour that passed by seems almost like a dream because it was the deepest I have ever been in prayer. I was not aware of what was happening around me. All I was focusing on was Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and I proceeded to have an intense discussion with God. I talked to Him about everything on my heart that was burdening me. It came pouring out of me at a rapid rate and I felt God’s presence as He listened to everything I was saying. My knees started hurting pretty badly from being on the hardwood floor for so long, which reminded me of how much pain Jesus was in on the cross.  I am not a huge crier (besides when I watch Finding Nemo), but suddenly I had tears streaming down my face and I felt so overcome with God’s presence, power, and love. I have not physically felt God’s presence like that in a long time. Being that vulnerable felt so good, so raw, so human.

I talked to God during that time about a lot of different areas in my life, but mostly about my call to do ministry. Sometimes I feel like I am walking alone; like God is the only one truly understands me. I rely on God so much and have come to see him as a best friend, as the Ultimate, as the greatest Love imaginable. It scares me sometimes that I am putting my whole life towards something that no one can prove for certain. We live in a world that is constantly pushing us away from God. The latest songs, movies, magazines, etc. are all filled with images and ideas that pull us farther from the way God wants us to go. Loving God is supposedly so easy, yet this world makes it so hard sometimes. I wonder how I am supposed to be a minster of Christ? How do I show people the light of Christ when they are in darkness?  If only humans could temporarily switch places, and I could have someone who doesn’t believe in Christ experience what I was feeling last night. Then they would know. They would know that the piece of bread in the center of the room is not in fact bread, but is the actual body of Jesus Christ. They would be able to feel the emotion that overcame me as I was in the presence of Him. They would understand. If only it were that easy, though. Instead, I have to use my actions and words to try to explain something that I often myself can barely comprehend. I think struggling with these thoughts but still keeping the faith is what this journey of life is all about. It is those moments of weakness, despair, and sadness, when finding God is like trying to find a lost earring in the desert, when we have to come face to face with our faith. We get to see if our faith is strong enough to overcome the sandstorms that life too often brings. I hope that during the next trial that comes my way, I can look back at the small gifts of grace God puts in my life, as well as the bigger ones, and know that I have a God that is greater than anything.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” --Matthew 5:16 

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